Simulation of the ATLAS SCT barrel module response to LHC beam loss scenarios

Peter R Rose,A A Grillo,V Fadeyev,E Spencer,M Wilder, M Domingo


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In the event of beam loss at the LHC, ATLAS Inner Detector components nearest the beam line may be subjected to unusually large amounts of radiation. Understanding their behavior in such an event is important in determining whether they would still function properly. We built a SPICE model of the silicon strip module electrical system to determine the behavior of its elements during a realistic beam loss scenario. We found that the power supply and bias filter characteristics strongly affect the module response in such scenarios. In particular, the following self-limiting phenomena were observed: there is a finite amount of charge initially available on the bias filter capacitors for collection by the strips; the power supply current limit reduces the rate at which the bias filter capacitors' charge can be replenished; the reduced bias voltage leads to a smaller depletion depth in the sensors which results in less collected charge. These effects provide a larger measure of safety during beam loss events than was previously assumed. In particular, the voltage across the coupling capacitor stays below the specifications limit for a wide range of beam loss rates. The current into the ABCD channels exceeds the limit only for very high rates of beam loss.
Particle tracking detectors,Detector design and construction technologies and materials,Models and simulations,Si microstrip and pad detectors
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