Engagement and Performance in Physics: The Role of Class Instructional Strategies, and Student’s Personal and Situational Interest // Implicación y rendimiento en Física: el papel de las estrategias docentes en el aula, y el interés personal y situacio


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This study aims to analyze situational and personal interest in Physics, to establish how both are affected by two instructional strategies (provide choice opportunities and explicit the relevance of contents), and to determine how strategies and interest influence on engagement, disaffection, and performance. Participants were 430 students from second grade of the scientific-technologic baccalaureate (52.4% girls). Structural equation models corroborated the hypotheses: situational and personal interest where improved by these two instructional strategies; furthermore, both modalities of interest and teaching strategies enhanced engagement and performance, protecting students from disaffection. Mediated effects between assessed variables were also significant.
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Personal and situational interest,provide choice,foster relevance,academic engagement,disaffection
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