The 11B(p,α)8Be → α + α and the 11B(α,α)11B Reactions at Energies Below 5.4 MeV

Journal of Fusion Energy(2012)

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Measurements of the absolute cross section and angular distributions for the \(^{11} \hbox{B}(p,\alpha)^{8}{\text{Be}}\rightarrow\alpha+\alpha\) and the 11B(α,α)11B reactions have been performed from 0.15 to 3.8 MeV for the 11B(p,α) study and from 2 to 5.4 MeV for the 11B(α,α) reaction. The absolute cross sections are presented in terms of the total number of α-particles detected in order to avoid uncertainties due to ambiguities in the number of alpha particles emitted in the reaction at a particular energy. The angular distributions of the 11B(p,α)8Be(2+) reaction were fit to a Legendre polynomial expansion and the coefficients are presented. Finally, the 11B(α,α)11B data were fit in terms of phase shifts (ignoring the spin of the target), providing a convenient representation of the elastic cross section data between 2 and 5.4 MeV.
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Key words
Low energy nuclear physics, Aneutronic fusion, Fusion, Triple alpha, Energy production, 11B, Alpha, Proton fusion, Alpha elastic scattering, Cross section, Angular distribution
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