Modeling agricultural non-point source pollution in a high-precipitation coastal area of China

Zhiyi Li,Pengfei Du,Haiwei Huang, Yong Ge, Xu Li

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering(2014)

Cited 6|Views11
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Non-point source (NPS) pollution simulation in the high-precipitation coastal areas of China is difficult because varying annual typhoon incidence leads to highly contrasting rainfall patterns in dry years and wet years. An IMPULSE (Integrated Model of Non-point Sources Pollution Processes) based NPS model of the Changtan Reservoir watershed, which is a typical high-precipitation coastal area in China, was established based on the analysis of point and NPS pollution data, a digital elevation model, and data on land-use, soil, meteorology, economy, and agricultural management practice. Pre-processed pre-rainfall soil moisture levels were introduced during the simulation to model the effects of typhoons on hydrology. Rainfall events were simulated sequentially through the year and the model was calibrated and verified using hydrological and water quality data. Accuracy of the simulated rainfall runoff and water quality in the Changtan watershed was found to be acceptable. The study showed that the NPS modeling system could be applied to the simulation and prediction of NPS loadings in the Changtan Reservoir watershed.
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Key words
Changtan Reservoir watershed,non-point source pollution modeling,pre-rainfall soil moisture,model calibration
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