Anatomical study on the interaction between the root endophytic fungus Heteroconium chaetospira and Chinese cabbage

Miho Yonezawa,Fumiaki Usuki,Kazuhiko Narisawa, Jun Takahashi,Teruyoshi Hashiba


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Chinese cabbage roots colonized by the dematiaceous fungal taxon Heteroconium chaetospira were previously found to become highly resistant to clubroot and Verticillium yellows. The dematiaceous fungus possesses an endophytic nature, but no detailed anatomical studies on endophyte–host plant interactions have so far been provided. Light and electron microscopy revealed that hyphae of H. chaetospira were abundant on and inside the root epidermal cells by 3 weeks following inoculation. The penetration pegs easily breached into epidermal cells, and the infection hyphae penetrated into cortical cells. Some appressorium-like swollen structures formed from intracellular hyphae, but no visible degradation of the host cell walls was evident where the hyphae contacted. No visible signs of host reactions and no invagination of the host plasma membrane around the hyphae were seen in the host cells. By 8 weeks following inoculation, masses of closely packed fungal cells had been formed in some cells of the epidermis and cortical layers, but further hyphal ingress was halted, mostly in the inner cortical cell layer. Thus, root vascular cylinders remained intact.
Anatomy,Chinese cabbage,Dark septate fungal endophyte,Heteroconium chaetospira,Host cell response
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