Evaluation of the continuity of outpatient treatment in addiction in Toxicology Division, Hospital Fernández, Argentina]

Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina)(2015)

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The lack of continuity in the treatment of patients suffering from an addiction is one of the main diffiulties faced by professionals working with this problem. The early discontinuation of treatment has been correlated with a higher number of relapses and poor prognosis. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the continuity in the treatment of patients who consult for problematic substance use and smoking in Outpatients Toxicology Division of Hospital J. A. Fernández. A retrospective review was performed with longitudinal tracking of medical records entered for a year. Continuity in patients with problematic substance use (N=418) was 45% at 1 month, 22% at the 3rd month and 10% at month 6; in patients presenting with smoking (n 211) continuity was lower, 38% at 1 month and 9% at the 3rd month (p<0.001). Within the group of patients with problematic use of substances, consuming only alcohol (N=96) showed greater continuity, being on 1st, 3rd and 6th month, 47%, 33% and 18% respectively (p=0.012).
outpatient treatment,addiction,toxicology division,hospital fernandez
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