Improved axial trapping with holographic optical tweezers.


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Conventional optical tweezers suffer from several complications when applying axial forces to surface-tethered molecules. Aberrations from the refractive-index mismatch between an oil-immersion objective's medium and the aqueous trapping environment both shift the trap centre and degrade the trapping strength with focal depth. Furthermore, interference effects from back-scattered light make it difficult to use back-focal-plane interferometry for high-bandwidth position detection. Holographic optical tweezers were employed to correct for aberrations to achieve a constant axial stiffness and modulate artifacts from backscattered light. Once the aberrations are corrected for, the trap height can be precisely determined from either the back-scattered light or Brenner's formula. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America
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Optical Tweezers,Optical Manipulation,Plasmonic Nano-optical Tweezers
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