Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella Heidelberg Associated with Mechanically Separated Chicken at a Correctional Facility.

Amanda L Taylor,Rendi Murphree, L Amanda Ingram,Katie Garman, Deborah Solomon, Eric Coffey, Deborah Walker, Michael J Rogers,Ellyn Marder, Marie Bottomley,Amy Woron, Laurent Thomas,Stanley M Roberts, Henrietta Hardin,Parvin Arjmandi,Alice Green,Latoya Simmons, Allyson Cornell,John R Dunn


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We describe multidrug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella Heidelberg infections associated with mechanically separated chicken (MSC) served at a county correctional facility. Twenty-three inmates met the case definition. All reported diarrhea, 19 (83%) reported fever, 16 (70%) reported vomiting, 4 (17%) had fever 103 degrees F, and 3 (13%) were hospitalized. A case-control study found no single food item significantly associated with illness. Salmonella Heidelberg with an indistinguishable pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pattern was isolated from nine stool specimens; two isolates displayed resistance to a total of five drug classes, including the third-generation cephalosporin, ceftriaxone. MDR Salmonella Heidelberg might have contributed to the severity of illness. Salmonella Heidelberg indistinguishable from the outbreak subtype was isolated from unopened MSC. The environmental health assessment identified cross-contamination through poor food-handling practices as a possible contributing factor. Proper hand-washing techniques and safe food-handling practices were reviewed with the kitchen supervisor.
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Key words
<i>salmonella</i>,mechanically separated chicken,correctional facility,multidrug-resistant
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