Sutureless circumcision using 2-Octyl cyanoacrylate results in more rapid and less painful procedures with excellent cosmetic satisfaction.

Journal of Pediatric Urology(2015)

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Circumcision is the most common surgical procedure in male children in the world and is performed because of cultural, religious or medical reasons. Traditionally, interrupted sutures are used to close the wound, but 2-Octyl cyanoacrylate (2-OCA) tissue glue can be used as an alternative method to close the circumcision wound.To compare the use of 2-OCA with absorbable sutures in circumcision wound closure in prepubescent patients in terms of operative time, complication rate, postoperative pain and cosmetic results.We retrospectively evaluated 662 circumcision procedures using sutures and 609 procedures using 2-OCA for wound closure in prepubescent boys. All circumcision procedures were performed by 2 surgeons in a single centre. Operative time was collected from the hospital surgical software system. 62% of the patients in the suture group and 59% of the patients in the 2-OCA group presented for a postoperative check-up 6 weeks after the circumcision. Data regarding postoperative pain, need for analgesia, cosmetic satisfaction and the ease of wound care were collected through questionnaires completed by 25% of the boy's parents in the suture group and 53% of the parents in the 2-OCA group.Mean operative time was significantly shorter in the 2-OCA group (13 min) than in the suture group (17 min). Complications were comparable and mostly minor. Reintervention was only required in 3 cases. According to the parents, the degree of postoperative pain and the postoperative need for analgesics was significantly lower in the 2-OCA group. Wounds closed with 2-OCA were easier to care for. The cosmetic results after 1 day, after 1 week and after 1 month in the 2-OCA group were significantly superior than in the suture group, according to the parents' evaluation.The use of 2-OCA in circumcision wound closure has been reported before. Previous studies with mainly limited patient numbers report less pain, shorter procedure times and a higher surgeon satisfaction in terms of cosmetic results. This study is the largest study comparing the use of 2-OCA and interrupted sutures in circumcision wound closure. The retrospective character of the study, the lack of a validated questionnaire tool for the cosmetic evaluation and the use of the parent's evaluation are the limitations of this study.The use of 2-OCA in circumcision wound closure results in a shorter operative time, in less postoperative pain, in easy postoperative wound care and in excellent cosmesis when compared to interrupted absorbable sutures. 2-OCA is our current technique of choice in circumcision wound closure.
Penis,Circumcision,2-Octyl cyanoacrylate,Sutureless,Tissue glue,Children
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