Ccaat/Enhancer Binding Protein Beta Controls Androgen-Deprivation-Induced Senescence In Prostate Cancer Cells


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The processes associated with transition to castration-resistant prostate cancer (PC) growth are not well understood. Cellular senescence is a stable cell cycle arrest that occurs in response to sublethal stress. It is often overcome in malignant transformation to confer a survival advantage. CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein (C/EBP) beta function is frequently deregulated in human malignancies and interestingly, androgen-sensitive PC cells express primarily the liver-enriched inhibitory protein isoform. We found that C/EBP beta expression is negatively regulated by androgen receptor (AR) activity and that treatment of androgen-sensitive cell lines with anti-androgens increases C/EBP beta mRNA and protein levels. Accordingly, we also find that C/EBP beta levels are significantly elevated in primary PC samples from castration-resistant compared with therapy-naive patients. Chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated enhanced binding of the AR to the proximal promoter of the CEBPB gene in the presence of dihydroxytestosterone. Upon androgen deprivation, induction of C/EBP beta is facilitated by active transcription as evident by increased histone 3 acetylation at the C/EBP beta promoter. Also, the androgen agonist R1881 suppresses the activity of a CEBPB promoter reporter. Loss of C/EBP beta expression prevents growth arrest following androgen deprivation or anti-androgen challenge. Accordingly, suppression of C/EBP beta under low androgen conditions results in reduced expression of senescence-associated secretory genes, significantly decreased number of cells displaying heterochromatin foci and increased numbers of Ki67-positive cells. Ectopic expression of C/EBP beta caused pronounced morphological changes, reduced PC cell growth and increased the number of senescent LNCaP cells. Lastly, we found that senescence contributes to PC cell survival under androgen deprivation, and C/EBP beta-deficient cells were significantly more susceptible to killing by cytotoxic chemotherapy following androgen deprivation. Our data demonstrate that upregulation of C/EBP beta is critical for complete maintenance of androgen deprivation-induced senescence and that targeting C/EBP beta expression may synergize with anti-androgen or chemotherapy in eradicating PC.
Prostate cancer,Medicine/Public Health,general,Internal Medicine,Cell Biology,Human Genetics,Oncology,Apoptosis
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