The role of surgical embolectomy and extracorporeal membrane oxygen therapy in the treatment of massive pulmonary embolism - a review]

M Šimek, M Hutyra, M Gwozdziewicz, I Fluger,A Steriovský, J Konečný

Rozhledy v chirurgii : měsíčník Československé chirurgické společnosti(2015)

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Acute massive pulmonary embolism remains potentially lethal with mortality varying between 2553%. In the thrombolytic era, surgical pulmonary embolectomy is deemed as a rescue approach for patients with absolute contraindication of thrombolysis or its failure. However, close interdisciplinary cooperation, meticulous choice of optimal reperfusion strategy, standardization of surgical approach, and mainly the inclusion of mechanical circulatory support into the treatment algorithm have led to a drop in in-hospital mortality below 10% in the last 10 years. Nevertheless, cardiac arrest and refractory cardiogenic shock still remain independent risk factors of death with mortality exceeding 70%. Extracorporeal membrane oxygen therapy provides rapid circulatory support, end-organ perfusion and oxygenation which are essential for right-sided obstruction haemodynamic. Subsequently, optimal reperfusion strategy can be chosen or patients may be transported for it. The review highlights the contemporary role of surgical pulmonary embolectomy and extracorporeal membrane oxygen therapy in the treatment algorithm for acute massive pulmonary embolism, summarising current perspectives on the indications and contraindications for these treatment strategies and their results.Key words: massive pulmonary embolism - surgical pulmonary embolectomy - extracorporeal membrane oxygen therapy.
massive pulmonary embolism,extracorporeal membrane oxygen therapy,surgical embolectomy,oxygen therapy
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