In vitro release of cupric ion from intrauterine devices: influence of frame, shape, copper surface area and indomethacin


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The release of cupric ion from copper intrauterine device (Cu-IUD) in human uterus is essential for contraception. However, excessive cupric ion will cause cytotoxic effect. In this paper, we investigated the influence of device characteristics (frame, copper surface area, shape, copper type and indomethacin) on copper release for the efficacy and adverse effects vary with IUD types which may correlate to their different release behaviors. Nine types of Cu-IUDs were selected and incubated in simulated uterine fluid. They were paired for comparison based on the device properties and the release of cupric ion was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometer for about 160 days. The result showed that there was a burst release during the first month and the release rate tends to slow down and become steady afterwards. In addition, the copper release was mainly influenced by frame, indomethacin and copper type (copper wire and copper sleeve) while the shape variation had little effect on copper release throughout the experiment. Moreover, the influence of copper surface area was only noticeable during the first month. These findings were seldom reported before and may provide some useful information for the design of Cu-IUDs.
Cu-IUD,Cupric ion,Release behavior,Device characteristics
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