Status of Diabetes Care: "It just doesn't get any better . . . or does it?".

Diabetes care(2014)

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The July 2014 issue marks the halfway point for our editorial team’s tenure in overseeing the scientific aspects of Diabetes Care . At this time in the process, we would have thought that things would have become very routine. Specifically, one might expect that changes made at the beginning of our term would now be complete and we would be at a stage (to borrow a term from the aviation industry) of “autopilot.” But, instead, we have realized that there is a new norm at the journal . . . one that dictates a consistent principle … that Diabetes Care and its editorial team continue to evolve! For example, when we provided our update on the journal for July 2013, we titled it “The Hits Just Keep on Coming!” (1). It was stated at the time: “To be honest, I would be thrilled if, in January 2014, I can simply state we’ve had more of the same!” Honestly, this is far from the truth. It has not been more of the same . . . we have exceeded our own expectations! Over the last year, new initiatives have continued, the number of new submissions is at record level, the quality of published articles continues to increase, and our pleasure in seeing each and every journal issue is heightened each month. It is fitting at this halfway point to have our editorial team collectively report on our further progress to you, the readers we serve. From our perspective, this progress report is very appropriately titled as “It Just Doesn’t Get Any Better … or Does It?” To be fair, some of the developments from our team have been noted in past editorials and are now considered as standard. For example, as you may well know by now, our editorial team has …
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