Influence of diabetes on mechanics efficiency of pregnant women's feet end risk of diabetic foot]

Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego(2014)

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A foot is a complicated osteoarticular system. The complex structure and variability predispose it to the formation of foot deformity. The cause deformities of the feet are weakened muscle tissue and ligaments, systemic diseases: obesity, musculoskeletal defects, neurological diseases, rheumatism, diabetes, pregnancy, improper shoes or socks. They interfere with the function of the foot and are reflected in the distribution of support points. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of diabetes on pregnancy and the mechanics of the foot and the risk of developing diabetic foot.The study took part in healthy and diseased women with type 1 diabetes in pregnancy. Evaluation of static foot was performed using podoscope, made up of mirrors, lights and camera. The camera described the distribution of the pressure on the glass plate, which the person being investigated was standing on. It recorded the reflection of feet and transmit them to a computer. Description the results consisted of defining relevant indicators. The evaluation was performed using the dynamic pressure Parotec system, the measuring cylinder placed inside the patient's shoe provided with sensors recording the foot pressure distribution on the ground while standing and walking. The data were stored on a memory card loaded into the computer, where the analysis took place. It has been calculated the average values of pressures exerted on the various zones of the foot.It was found that the increase in body weight resulting from the advancement of women pregnancy increases the load exerted on the foot. Forces are growing in subsequent trimesters of pregnancy reaching a maximum at the end of the third trimester. The longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot are reducing. After the birth, the pressure exerted on each area of the foot decreases, arches of the foot are getting back to starting position.Number of foot deformities is higher in women with type 1 diabetes. It grow the risk of developing diabetic foot syndrome.
diabetic foot,diabetes,feet
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