Providing Nutrition Education to Recently Resettled Refugees: Piloting a Collaborative Model and Evaluation Methods

Journal of immigrant and minority health / Center for Minority Public Health(2014)

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Resettled refugees experience high levels of food insecurity because of low English proficiency, limited job skills, and lack of understanding of the United States food system. This study evaluated integrating Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) into English as Second Language (ESL) classes taught at a worksite- training program for recently resettled refugees and the feasibility of using food purchase receipts. A convenience sample of resettled refugees participated in SNAP-Ed one hour for 12 weeks during ESL classes. Food purchase receipts were collected for purchases one week prior to, first three weeks, last three weeks, and one week after classes. Participants were from 17 countries and 50 % completed 12 lessons. Fifty-nine participants turned in receipts and 93 % used SNAP funds. By integrating SNAP-Ed into ESL classes at a worksite-training center a hard-to-reach eligible population was reached. Further validation is needed to use food purchase receipts.
Nutrition education,Refugees,English as second language,Supplemental nutrition,Assistance program
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