Prognostic role of en-bloc resection and late onset of bone metastasis in patients with bone-seeking carcinomas of the kidney, breast, lung, and prostate: SSG study on 672 operated skeletal metastases.

Journal of surgical oncology(2014)

Cited 102|Views3
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:In metastatic disease, decisions regarding potential surgery require reliable data about the patient's survival. In this study, we evaluated different prognostic factors and their impact in four common primary tumors causing bone metastases. METHODS:Data were acquired from the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group (SSG) metastasis registry. The patients underwent surgery between July 1999 and July 2009. This study included breast, prostate, lung, and kidney cancer cases, with a total of 672 operated non-spinal metastases. Differences in prognostic factors were evaluated using the Kaplan-Meier method with long-rank test. Cox regression multivariate analysis was performed to identify statistically independent prognostic factors. RESULTS:Significant factors affecting survival were the presence of organ metastases, overall heath status, and disease load. In kidney cancer, en bloc resection of solitary metastases was associated with a significant fourfold longer survival compared to intralesional surgery. Preoperative radiotherapy was associated with higher complication and reoperation rates. CONCLUSIONS:This data summary is important tool for clinicians to evaluate survival and choose treatment options for patients suffering from metastatic bone disease.
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