Estimating the return on investment from a health risk management program offered to small Colorado-based employers.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine(2014)

Cited 36|Views5
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OBJECTIVE:To determine whether changes in health risks for workers in small businesses can produce medical and productivity cost savings. METHODS:A 1-year pre- and posttest study tracked changes in 10 modifiable health risks for 2458 workers at 121 Colorado businesses that participated in a comprehensive worksite health promotion program. Risk reductions were entered into a return-on-investment (ROI) simulation model. RESULTS:Reductions were recorded in 10 risk factors examined, including obesity (-2.0%), poor eating habits (-5.8%), poor physical activity (-6.5%), tobacco use (-1.3%), high alcohol consumption (-1.7%), high stress (-3.5%), depression (-2.3%), high blood pressure (-0.3%), high total cholesterol (-0.9%), and high blood glucose (-0.2%). The ROI model estimated medical and productivity savings of $2.03 for every $1.00 invested. CONCLUSIONS:Pooled data suggest that small businesses can realize a positive ROI from effective risk reduction programs.
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