Modification of the platelet cell membrane and suppression of its function with sodium hypochlorite, detected by optical methods]

D I Roshchupkin, M A Murina,N N Trunilina,V I Sergienko


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The platelet release reaction induced by thrombin was studied by means of the kinetic fluorometric method with usage of the fluorescent probe, acridine orange, and the platelet aggregation was measured with Born's turbidometric method. The release reaction and the arachidonic acid peroxidation are suppressed by sodium hypochlorite at the low concentrations (10-20 mcM) to a greater extent than the platelet aggregation. It is possible that such the inhibitory action of sodium hypochlorite is due to a membrane modification which leads to an alteration of intracellular signalling. Amino groups of platelet plasma membrane estimated by means of the fluorescamine fluorescent label are significantly destroyed at the high concentrations of sodium hypochlorite when the strong inactivation of platelets are observed.
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Key words
platelet cell membrane,sodium hypochlorite,optical methods
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