Choosing the appropriate matrix to perform a scientifically meaningful lipemic plasma test in bioanalytical method validation.


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Laurence Mayrand-Provencher has obtained a Master of Science in Chemistry from Universite de Montreal. With over 3 years of experience as a scientist in the bioanalysis industry, he is now a scientist in method development at Algorithme Pharma. His experiences have led him to conduct robust and effective method development of bioanalytical assays, specifically in the LC-MS/MS field. Many regulatory agencies include in their guidelines the need to investigate the effect of lipemic plasma on the reliability of the data as part of a bioanalytical assay validation. Lipids can cause matrix effect, specificity and recovery issues, which can potentially lead to inaccurate data if left unaccounted for. However, finding the appropriate matrix type to be used to perform a lipemic plasma test is a major challenge, as the differences between those commercially available are not well known. The work reported herein describes the differences in lipid content between normal plasma, synthetic lipemic plasma mixes, and two types of natural lipemic plasma. The results obtained show that natural plasma with high triglycerides content should be used to perform a scientifically meaningful lipemic plasma test.
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