Immune modulation property of Lactobacillus paracasei NCC2461 (ST11) strain and impact on skin defences.


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The gut intestinal tract harbours a complex microbiota. Disturbances in the microbiota composition have been associated with several immune dysfunctions such as inflammatory diseases. Specific strains of probiotics have shown to beneficially influence the composition and/or metabolic activity of the endogenous microbiota. Taking advantage of the plasticity of the immune system, the probiotic strain NCC2461 ( i.e. ST11 or CNCM I-2116) supports and/or restores homeostasis in reaction to different physiopathological conditions. The potential of NCC2461 to modulate both mucosal and systemic immune functions led us to test its impact on skin physiology. Even though clear mechanisms explaining gut-skin interaction are still lacking, a set of experimental and clinical data reviewed herein have shown that NCC2461 exerts its effects beyond the gut and confers benefits at the skin level. It contributes to the reinforcement of skin barrier function, decreases skin sensitivity and modulates the skin immune system leading to the preservation of skin homeostasis.
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probiotic,microbiota,ST11,gut-skin axis
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