[Routine health statistics are unknown].

Marco Marchi,Luisa Acanfora

Epidemiologia e prevenzione(2013)

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Caesarean section is a topic of particular attention and interest both for woman and newborn health, and for its economic implications. Unfortunately, there is inadequate information arising from Certificates of Attendance at Birth and Nosological Cards Discharge Hospital, in order to enable possible measures for reducing the excess of caesarean section as an alternative method to vaginal delivery. Moreover, the existing current health surveys do not distinguish properly between the various reasons of performing caesarean section, and do not provide a correct and exhaustive framework of the collateral aspects of this practice and the dramatic consequences which may result from maneuvers, such as manual fundal pressures, performed during delivery. Further investigations confirm the presence of unexplained, and therefore unjustifiable, discrepancies.
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