Deep Dive into the factors influencing acoustic velocity in the Dalan-Kangan formations, the central Persian Gulf

Amin Soleimani,Vahid Tavakoli


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The propagation of acoustic waves in rocks is directly influenced by the rocks' elastic properties. To evaluate petrophysical properties from acoustic data, it is essential to understand the factors that influence the variations in acoustic velocity of sedimentary rocks. Carbonate reservoirs are heterogeneous, and their evaluation is complicated. A closer look at the factors affecting the elastic properties of these rocks is essential because they reveal important information about the reservoir properties and their formation evaluation. Rock physics modeling relies on laboratory-measured acoustic data. This study, however, employs acoustic logs to elucidate the key factors influencing sonic velocity, offering a more comprehensive and field-applicable perspective. Samples were prepared from the Permian-Triassic Upper Dalan and Kangan formations. Porosity, permeability, sedimentary textures, mineralogy, and pore types were investigated. Furthermore, compressional, shear, and Stoneley well-logs data were recorded and converted to acoustic velocity in the sampled interval. Porosityvelocity modeling based on the differential effective medium (DEM) theory was performed for different values of equivalent pore aspect ratio (EPAR). The results show that there is a strong inverse relationship between acoustic velocities and porosity. Acoustic velocities also exhibit an inverse correlation with permeability, but the strength of these relationships is relatively weak. Acoustic velocities are not affected by carbonate textures. A specific texture may exhibit different velocities due to the influence of diagenetic processes. Mineralogy has only a minor influence on acoustic velocities. Dolostones have a slightly higher velocity than limestones, but the difference is insignificant. Stoneley log values are slightly different in limestone and dolostone, because this wave propagates along the mud-borehole interface. The velocities were affected by the variations in pore types within the studied formations. Therefore, in carbonate rocks, porosity, and the pore types play a significant role in controlling acoustic velocities. The value of EPAR = 0.15 can be considered as the boundary between stiff pores (moldic and vuggy) and soft pores (interparticle, intercrystalline, micro-intercrystalline, and microporosity). The lower EPAR value of interparticle pores in limestones compared to dolostones can be attributed to diagenetic processes such as dolomitization and compaction. The findings of this study can help to better understand what factors affect acoustic velocity in carbonate rocks. This study also shows that acoustic logs data can be effectively used in rock physics modeling and pore type identification. By identifying the pore types, it is possible to recognize diagenetic processes and determine the rock types to control the heterogeneity and estimate reservoir quality.
Sonic and wireline logs,Pore types,Equivalent pore aspect ratio (EPAR),Rock physics modeling,Diagenetic process,Rock type
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