[Opioid dependent patient with two prescribers].

Martine Kruijtbosch, Elsemiek Jansen-Groot Koerkamp, Ghislaine van Thiel,Mattijs Numans,Mette Heringa,Marcel Bouvy

Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde(2023)

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Opioid use has risen again in the past year, partly due to overtaken operations. Some of the patients undergoing surgery already chronically use opioids. A fentanyl dependent patient enters the pharmacy with a oxycodone prescription from the orthopedist. The pharmacist doubts whether the orthopedist has the intention to continue the fentanyl use. The patient does not want the pharmacist to contact the orthopedist or the general practitioner who prescribes the fentanyl. The pharmacist experiences a dilemma with multiple handling options and reflects on them based on the professional values that are under pressure. What is the right action to take? A general practitioner and a medical ethicist reflect on the dilemma. The pharmacist experiences daily dilemmas regarding multiple prescribers for one patient. Prescribers can enhance medication safety by indicating on the prescription that they are aware of current treatments and whether a new medicine is a replacement or an addition to the therapy.
opioid dependent patient,prescribers
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