Arterial oxygen saturation at high altitude. A study on unacclimatised mountaineers and mountain dwellers]

Medicina clínica(2005)

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We decided to determine how arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) diminishes with altitude in unacclimatized mountaineers and in mountain dwellers.Pulseoximetric measurements in unacclimatized mountaineers (214 measurements in several Spanish mountains and in the Alps up to 4,164 m) and in mountain dwellers (209 measurements in several Spanish and Bolivian villages up to 4,230 m). We performed pulseoximetric measurements for three consecutive days in eight mountaineers on the summit of Aneto (3,404 m) to ascertain whether SaO2 increases or not during early acclimatization.Equations describing the SaO2 reduction with altitude are as follows: a) for unacclimatized mountaineers, SaO2 = 98.8183 - 0.0001.h - 0.000001.h2, b) for mountain dwellers, SaO2 = 98.2171 + 0.0012.h - 0.0000008.h2. (SaO2 in %; h: altitude in m. Lower limit of 95% confidence intervals given in the text). SaO2 of mountain dwellers is higher than that of unacclimatized mountaineers studied at the same altitude (p < 0.05 for any altitude over 1,692 m). SaO2 of mountaineers increased during early acclimatization (p < 0.05) to reach in few days the SaO2 of mountain dwellers. Unacclimatized mountaineers who spent the previous night over 2,000 m had higher SaO2 in altitude than those who slept under 2,000 m (p < 0.05). Mountaineers who performed any high-mountain activity (i.e. over 2,500 m) in the previous 12 months had higher SaO2 on the summit of Aneto than those who have never been over 2,500 m before (p < 0.05).SaO2 increases during the acclimatization process. Our equations serve to calculate the SaO2 which can be considered normal for healthy people for every altitude below 4,200 m, both before and after the acclimatization process.
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