Guaranteed Reachability on Riemannian Manifolds for Unknown Nonlinear Systems


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Determining the reachable set for a given nonlinear system is critically important for autonomous trajectory planning for reach-avoid applications and safety critical scenarios. Providing the reachable set is generally impossible when the dynamics are unknown, so we calculate underapproximations of such sets using local dynamics at a single point and bounds on the rate of change of the dynamics determined from known physical laws. Motivated by scenarios where an adverse event causes an abrupt change in the dynamics, we attempt to determine a provably reachable set of states without knowledge of the dynamics. This paper considers systems which are known to operate on a manifold. Underapproximations are calculated by utilizing the aforementioned knowledge to derive a guaranteed set of velocities on the tangent bundle of a complete Riemannian manifold that can be reached within a finite time horizon. We then interpret said set as a control system; the trajectories of this control system provide us with a guaranteed set of reachable states the unknown system can reach within a given time. The results are general enough to apply on systems that operate on any complete Riemannian manifold. To illustrate the practical implementation of our results, we apply our algorithm to a model of a pendulum operating on a sphere and a three-dimensional rotational system which lives on the abstract set of special orthogonal matrices.
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