Avaliação de cultivares de alho em três regiões do Estado do Rio de Janeiro cultivados sob sistema orgânico

H.O. Feitosa,R.M. Junqueira, J.G.M. Guerra, M.G. Teixeira, F.V. Resende

Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias - Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences(2009)

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In the State of Rio de Janeiro there is a lack of information about the cultivation of garlic even showing altitudes that can facilitate a good performance for the cultivation of garlic. Thus, experiments were conducted in three regions of the State of Rio de Janeiro, to evaluate the performance of five varieties of garlic in each region, grown in the organic system. Experiments were installed (may-september/2005) in different localities in the State of Rio de Janeiro, in the city of Nova Friburgo, Petrópolis and Paty of Alferes. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications and five treatments, consisting of cultivars Amarante free of virus, Cateto purple, Chinese real, Chinese are joaquim, Giant big purple. And in each of these regions of the State of Rio de Janeiro, an experiment was installed for each site. The spacing used was 0.20 x 0.10 m, and the floor area of 1.44 m2, containing eight central rows, leaving a stand of 64 plants in the useful area. According to results obtained in all tests, it is concluded that the virus-free cultivars Amarante, Giant big purple and Cateto purple are more suited at Cateto regions studied, obtaining higher average weight of bulbs and yield.
organic agriculture,productivity
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