Does mindfulness reduce negative interpretation bias?


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Negative interpretation bias, or the tendency to interpret ambiguous life events in a negative manner rather than positive or neutral, is a precursor to depression and anxiety. Evidence suggests that mindfulness reduces depression and anxiety, as well as a number of different negative cognitive biases. However, little is known about the association between mindfulness and negative interpretation bias specifically. Across two cross-sectional studies, we investigated this relation. In Study 1 (N = 135), greater trait mindfulness was correlated with less negative interpretation bias. In Study 2 (N = 173), we experimentally tested whether a brief mindfulness induction, compared to a mind-wandering task, decreased negative interpretation bias. Although there was not a direct effect of condition (mindfulness vs. mind-wandering) on negative interpretation bias, there was a significant indirect effect through negative mood. That is, participants in the mind-wandering condition reported greater negative mood following the induction compared to participants in the mindfulness condition, which was associated with more negative interpretation bias. The results suggest mindfulness is associated with less negative interpretation bias and may reduce negative interpretation bias by decreasing negative mood.
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Key words
interpretation bias,mindfulness,mood
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