Coulomb Drag In Graphene Near The Dirac Point


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We study Coulomb drag in graphene near the Dirac point, focusing on the regime of interaction-dominated transport. We establish a novel, graphene-specific mechanism of Coulomb drag based on fast interlayer thermalization, inaccessible by standard perturbative approaches. Using the quantum kinetic equation framework, we derive a hydrodynamic description of transport in double-layer graphene in terms of electric and energy currents. In the clean limit the drag becomes temperature independent. In the presence of disorder the drag coefficient at the Dirac point remains nonzero due to higher-order scattering processes and interlayer disorder correlations. At low temperatures (diffusive regime) these contributions manifest themselves in the peak in the drag coefficient centered at the neutrality point with a magnitude that grows with lowering temperature. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.026601
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