Is hepatomegaly a prognosis factor of chronic myeloid leukaemia among African blacks?]

D C Nanho, F S N'Diaye,A Tolo, G S Kouamenan, Y M Sekongo, R Ayemou, D Meite, P Kouehion, B Kouakou,K G Koffi,I Sanogo,Amadou Sangare

Le Mali médical(2008)

引用 24|浏览11
It acts of a retrospective study relating to 74 patients reached of chronic Leukaemia myeloid (LMC) over one 5 year period followed in the clinical service of hematology of the University Hospital of Yopougon (Abidjan, Ivory Coast). The splenomegaly is quasi-constant in chronic phase of the disease often associated hepatomegaly in 20.27% of the cases which constitutes a pejorative factor of the LMC. Indeed, the hyperleukocytosis of more than 300,000 white globules is correlated with the presence of hepatomegaly (p=0.0005) with risks of portal hypertension. 80% of the patients carrying the LMC with a clinical hepatomegaly in chronic phase of the disease have against an incomplete hematologic remission 20% of complete remission (P = 0.002) among patients without hepatomegaly. The strong rate of death (73.33%) recorded occurred among patients carrying a hepatomegaly against 15.25% of death without hepatomegaly (P = 0.0001). The overall rates Total survival is on average 17 months against 20 months 28 days in the event of absence of the hepatomegaly (P = 0.0001).
chronic myeloid leukaemia,african blacks,hepatomegaly,prognosis factor
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