A processing scheme for time-variant phase analysis in EEG burst activity of premature and full-term newborns in quiet sleep: a methodological study.


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A processing scheme for the investigation of neonatal electroencephalographic burst oscillations that is composed of time-variant methods for linear and nonlinear phase analysis is introduced. Starting from a time-frequency analysis of oscillations' amplitudes, time-variant approaches for quantification of phase locking, n: m phase synchronization, and quadratic phase coupling are applied. Trace discontinue patterns from premature newborns and trace alternant patterns from full-term newborns were investigated using bipolar EEG recordings. Maturation-related differences between the burst generation mechanisms can be shown, which are reflected in group-specific patterns of augmentation, timing, and grouping of time-varying phase characteristics of the EEG burst oscillations. We demonstrate for both groups (premature and full-term newborns) that phase-locked low-frequency oscillations are pronounced in the frequency range of 0.5-1.5 Hz. Phase-locked oscillations also occur in a frequency range of >3 Hz. The amplitude of a phase-locked 2-Hz oscillation is higher in full-term than in premature newborns. After onset, n: m synchronization and an increase in bicoherence occur earlier in the premature group (between 0.5-1.5 Hz and 3.0-6.0 Hz). It can be suggested that during the maturation process, the driving force of thalamic structures decreases and that cortical activity plays an increasingly important role in the process of burst generation.
EEG,phase analysis,quiet sleep,trace alternant,trace discontinue
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