Diverticulum of the greater curvature of the stomach as a cause of anaemia]

A Prochotský, P Hlavčák,R Okoličány,J Skultéty,J Sekáč,M Huťan, M Ježovít, S Dolák

Rozhledy v chirurgii : měsíčník Československé chirurgické společnosti(2012)

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Gastric diverticula represent a rare pathological condition. They are usually asymptomatic and are often found only by accident during radiologic or endoscopic examination, or during autopsy. Their incidence is low and evenly distributed between men and women. Gastric diverticula are most frequently located on the posterior wall of the cardia and on the lesser curvature of the stomach. The authors present a case study of a 58-year-old patient with severe sideropenic anaemia, a marked weight loss and non-specific dyspeptic symptoms. The suspicion of a diverticulum was raised by a gastroenterologist during gastrofibroscopy and confirmed by a radiologist following a dynamic CT examination of the stomach. The diverticulum had an atypical location beneath the cardia on the greater curvature. The patient was indicated for surgery. During conventional laparotomy, resection of the diverticulum was performed using a linear stapler. The postoperative course was uneventful. Histology confirmed a false diverticulum. The patient is doing well, is asymptomatic, has put on 7 kg since the operation and her blood count is normal.
diverticulum,anaemia,stomach,greater curvature
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