Serum norharman and harman analysis using high pressure liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and value of beta-carbolines as blood alcohol markers]

Lucia Pötsch, Gisela Skopp

Archiv für Kriminologie(2002)

引用 23|浏览1
Firstly, a method for LC-MS/MS-analysis of the beta-carbolines norharman and harman in serum was established and validated. Secondly, serum samples from persons during ethanol loading conditions were investigated (n = 26). Norharman was regularly found positive only in persons with BAC > 1.6@1000. In this subgroup harman was detected in 5 out of 9 cases. The finding of norharman concentrations > 50 pg/mL in the serum of 4 out of 5 control persons was of high interest. In addition serum samples of smokers (n = 9) were analyzed for the beta-carbolines. All samples from smokers were tested positive for norharman with concentrations > 50 pg/mL in 7 cases. These results were in accordance with recent reports in literature and underline that the beta-carbolines norharman and harman do not meet the criteria of alcohol state-markers and positive serum sample testing may result from endogenous as well as from exogenous sources.
blood alcohol markers,serum norharman,liquid chromatography/mass,norharman analysis,high pressure liquid chromatography/mass,beta-carbolines
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