Multi-armed cationic cyclodextrin:poly(ethylene glycol) polyrotaxanes as efficient gene silencing vectors.

Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro(2013)

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A family of branched polyrotaxanes (bPRTx(+)), threaded with multiple cationic α-cyclodextrins (α-CDs) onto a multi-armed poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) core, were synthesized and studied as gene silencing vectors. These bPRTx(+) formed stable, positively charged complexes with diameters of 150-250 nm at N/P ratios as low as 2.5. The bPRTx(+) materials were shown to have gene-silencing efficiencies comparable to those of Lipofectamine 2000 (L2k) and bPEI, while displaying similar toxicity profiles. The unique structure of these polyrotaxanes allows them to effectively condense and complex siRNA into nanoparticles at much lower N/P ratios than L2k or bPEI. These findings suggest that bPRTx(+) may be useful materials for gene therapy applications.
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