A Remnant Choledochal Cyst after Choledochal. Cyst Excision Treated with a Lumen-Apposing Metal Stent: A Case Report


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A lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) is a saddle-shaped stent with large flanges at both ends, thereby preventing stent migration and helping with approximation of the adjacent structures. We report the case of a 25-year-old female with remnant choledochal cyst which was successfully treated with LAMS after initial treatment failure with a plastic stent. Although complete excision of the cyst is the definite treatment of choledochal cysts, endoscopic ultrasonography-guided cystoduodenostomy can be considered in cases wherein surgery is not feasible and dysplasia is not present. LAMS may be preferred to plastic stents for effective resolution of remnant choledochal cyst and prevention of ascending infection.
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Choledochal cyst, Endosonography, Self-expandable metallic steins
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