ADHD prevalence in Lebanese school-age population.


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Objective: The authors conducted an epidemiological study in Lebanon to estimate ADHD prevalence in school-age population. Method: They selected 1,000 children aged between 6 and 10 years, admitted in several schools in Lebanon. In each district, they randomly chose five schools, and in each school two classes. From each class, 10 children were included randomly in the population of the study. For each child, an ADHD-Rating Scale-IV School version was filled by a main teacher. The Home version was filled by the child's parents. Results: The prevalence of ADHD Inattentive subtype was 3 per 1,000, Hyperactive-Impulsive subtype 12 per 1,000, and ADHD Combined subtype 17 per 1,000. ADHD was significantly more prevalent in boys than in girls. Conclusion: This is the first epidemiological study to be conducted in Lebanon to estimate the prevalence of ADHD among children.
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