Lectican proteoglycans, their cleaving metalloproteinases, and plasticity in the central nervous system extracellular microenvironment.


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The extracellular matrix (ECM) in the central nervous system actively orchestrates and modulates changes in neural structure and function in response to experience, after injury, during disease, and with changes in neuronal activity. A component of the multi-protein, ECM aggregate in brain, the chondroitin sulfate (CS)-bearing proteoglycans (PGs) known as lecticans, inhibit neurite outgrowth, alter dendritic spine shape, elicit closure of critical period plasticity, and block target reinnervation and functional recovery after injury as the major component of a glial scar. While removal of the CS chains from lecticans with chondroitinase ABC improves plasticity, proteolytic cleavage of the lectican core protein may change the conformation of the matrix aggregate and also modulate neural plasticity. This review centers on the roles of the lecticans and the endogenous metalloproteinase families that proteolytically cleave lectican core proteins, the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTSs), in neural plasticity. These extracellular metalloproteinases modulate structural neural plasticity-including changes in neurite outgrowth and dendritic spine remodeling-and synaptic plasticity. Some of these actions have been demonstrated to occur via cleavage of the PG core protein. Other actions of the proteases include cleavage of non-matrix substrate proteins, whereas still other actions may occur directly at the cell surface without proteolytic cleavage. The data convincingly demonstrate that metalloproteinases modulate physiological and pathophysiological neural plasticity.
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