Life Threatening Secondary Bacterial Infection Of Varicella Skin Lesions


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As immunization coverage of varicella vaccination is low, the disease is still very frequent in Austria. Albeit the prognosis in general is good, the incidence of varicella-related hospitalization is about 6 per 100,000 in all children between 0-15 years of age, affecting mainly previously healthy children. Especially young children under the age of 5 are at risk with highest rates among children younger than one year. The most common complications are secondary bacterial infections, neurological and respiratory complications.Two cases of life threatening secondary bacterial infection are presented. One child suffered from a Toxic Shock Syndrome caused by group A streptococcus along with large necrotizing skin lesions. The second child nearly lost her left eye due to a deep orbital abscess. Both children survived without severe sequelae but had to undergo several procedures of plastic surgery.Implementation of the varicella vaccination program in the USA has shown a near elimination of deaths due to severe varicella complications. The initiation of the varicella vaccination program for children until the age of 2 in Austria should be considered to prevent complications and deaths caused by varicella.
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Key words
Varicella, streptococcus, secondary bacterial infection, complications, vaccination
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