Actual care and funding situation with regard to mother-child units for psychic disorders associated with pregnancy in Germany]


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Concern: The current care and financial situation of mother-child units for psychic disorders associated with pregnancies in Germany should be documented in preparation for the development of the new reimbursement system for psychiatry and psychosomatics. Method: In accordance with the last survey of 2005, a brief questionnaire was developed and a nationwide poll was conducted. Results: The survey revealed severe (10 fold) service deficits for severely and gravely mentally ill mothers, who require an inpatient treatment with specific professional competence. Compared with the last poll, these service deficits have increased. This is due to continued insufficient funding and unresolved financing in the new reimbursement system. With the establishment of an additional code for mother-child treatment the precondition for ensuring the funding of this important care form in the new reimbursement system was created. Conclusion: It is to be hoped that the decision-makers of health policy will finally face up to their social responsibility and ensure adequate funding of the additional diagnostic and therapeutic expenditure of mother-child treatment. The health care providers have an obligation to implement a transparent record of services of the additional expenditure and to augment the national evaluation approaches to inpatient mother-child treatments.
mother-child units,current care and financial situation,new reimbursement system for psychiatry and psychosomatics,additional code for mother-child-treatment
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