Impact of a Metabolic Screening Bundle on Rates of Screening for Metabolic Syndrome in a Psychiatry Resident Outpatient Clinic

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry(2014)

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Objective Although it is widely acknowledged that second-generation antipsychotics are associated with cardiometabolic side effects, rates of metabolic screening have remained low. The authors created a quality-improvement (QI) intervention in an academic medical center outpatient psychiatry resident clinic with the aim of improving rates of screening for metabolic syndrome in patients being prescribed antipsychotic medications. Methods The core components of the QI intervention included resident education and creation of a metabolic screening bundle for the electronic medical record. Quarterly audits of individual patient electronic medical records assessed whether a patient was currently prescribed antipsychotics and whether metabolic-syndrome screening had been documented at any time in the preceding 12 months. Results In each audit period, from 131 to 156 patients (30%–36% of total clinic sample) were prescribed antipsychotic medication. After the intervention, rates of documentation of the components of the metabolic screening bundle increased between 3.5- and 10-fold (final rates: 39% for blood pressure, 44% for BMI, and 55% for glucose and lipid panel). Rates of documenting the full bundle increased nearly 30-fold (final rate: 31%). Conclusion Provider-education combined with introduction of a documentation bundle in the electronic medical record increased rates of documented metabolic screening in patients being prescribed antipsychotic medications by psychiatry residents.
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Antipsychotic Medication,Academic Psychiatry,Psychiatry Resident,Quality Improvement Intervention,Metabolic Screening
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