Using smart phone video to supplement communication of radiology imaging in a neurosurgical unit: technical note.


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Background: The use of smart phones within medicine continues to grow at the same rate as mobile phone technology continues to evolve. One use of smart phones within medicine is in the transmission of radiological images to consultant neurosurgeons who are off-site in an emergency setting. In our unit, this has allowed quick, efficient, and safe communication between consultant neurosurgeon and trainees, aiding in rapid patient assessment and management in emergency situations. Objective: To describe a new means of smart phone technology use in the neurosurgical setting, where the video application of smart phones allows transfer of a whole series of patient neuroimaging via multimedia messaging service to off-site consultant neurosurgeons. Method/technique: Using the video application of smart phones, a 30-second video of an entire series of patient neuroimaging was transmitted to consultant neurosurgeons. With this information, combined with a clinical history, accurate management decisions were made. Results: This technique has been used on a number of emergency situations in our unit to date. Thus far, the imaging received by consultants has been a very useful adjunct to the clinical information provided by the on-site trainee, and has helped expedite management of patients. Conclusion: While the aim should always be for the specialist neurosurgeon to review the imaging in person, in emergency settings, this is not always possible, and we feel that this technique of smart phone video is a very useful means for rapid communication with neurosurgeons.
Image transfer,Smart phone,Digital cell phone,Teleradiology,MMS
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