Local reactions to treatments with Viscum album L. extracts and their association with T-lymphocyte subsets and quality of life.


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Background: In a previous study a decline of T-lymphocyte function was observed within a 6-month period of Viscum album extract (VA-E) application which did not occur in those patients with dose adaptation in response to strong local reactions (LR) or in those with moderate LR. To further investigate the immunological prerequisites of these differences in the VA-E susceptibilities, an analysis was carried out of the pre-existing differences in the tumor patients' lymphocyte subsets, and of whether the LR pattern (none, moderate, strong) might be associated with distinct aspects of the patients' quality of life. Patients and Methods: Seventy-one cancer patients were subcutaneously treated with VA-E (Iscador (R)) at increasing concentrations and their lymphocyte subsets measured by flowcytometry during a 6 month observation period; quality of life was assessed with the HLQ questionnaire. Results: The occurrence of stronger LR was associated with a primarily higher level of T-cells and their CD4(+) T-helper/inducer subset, and CD25(+) respectively HLA-DR+ (activated) T-cells. Moreover, counts or proportions of T-cells, CD4+ T-helper/inducer cells and CD8(+) CD28(+) cytotoxic cells were lower, while the relative proportions of CD8(+) CD28(-) suppressor cells, B- and NK-cells were the highest in the group with moderate LR. In particular, this latter group had a significantly higher quality of life. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the induction of moderate LR in response to VA-E application was associated with better T cell function and quality of life.
Viscum album,mistletoe,cancer patients,local reactions,peripheral lymphocytes,quality of life
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