Effect of a 14-day spaceflight on dystrophin associated proteins complex in rat soleus muscle.

A Chopard, L Leclerc, J Muller,F Pons,J J Leger,J F Marini

Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology(1998)

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One of the most obvious effects of hypokinesia and hypodynamia is muscular atrophy. Changes in myosin expression are induced by the chronic elimination of the weight-bearing activity, particularly in the postural muscles, which occur during spaceflight and hindlimb suspension. Other morphological changes, such as the remodeling of myotendinous junction, are also induced by this reduction in mechanical stress. Moreover, the transversal interface between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix of the muscle fiber can also be modified by the functional demand imposed on muscle. Dystrophin and its associated proteins appear to be essential for the stability of this interface and the deletion of one of these proteins results in a pathological phenotype. Changes in their expression appears to be induced by muscle disuse. We have quantified the changes in the expression of dystrophin and associated proteins induced by a 14-day spaceflight.
rat soleus muscle,proteins
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