The Influence of Glucocorticoid Dose on Protein Catabolism After Renal Transplantation

The American Journal of the Medical Sciences(1986)

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Protein catabolic rate (PCR) and protein balance were measured daily by computerized mass balance studies in 20 subjects during hospitalization after renal transplantation. All hospital courses were uncomplicated. Ten subjects received approximately 1mg/kg/ day prednisone, and ten subjects received 3–5mg/kg/day prednisone on day 1 with a tapering dose to approximately 1mg/kg/day by discharge. In both groups, PCR rose during the first 3–4 postoperative days then stabilized at an accelerated level. PCR was significantly greater in the higher prednisone group. Despite encouragement most subjects ate less protein than prescribed, and most were in negative protein balance. Mean daily and net protein deficits were more severe in the higher prednisone group. Higher protein intakes improved protein balance. The protein catabolic effects of the two regimens have been defined and a dose dependency demonstrated. In any therapeutic situation the use of the minimum effective dose of steroids seem advised, and high protein intake should be encouraged to improve protein balance. Some steroid morbidity might thus be avoided.
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Key words
Protein Catabolism,Protein Balance,Glucocorticoids,Renal Transplant
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