Magnetic resonance force microscopy of paramagnetic electron spins at millikelvin temperatures

Vinante, A., Wijts, G.,Usenko, O., Schinkelshoek, L., Oosterkamp, T.H.

Nature Communications(2011)

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Magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) is a powerful technique to detect a small number of spins that relies on force detection by an ultrasoft magnetically tipped cantilever and selective magnetic resonance manipulation of the spins. MRFM would greatly benefit from ultralow temperature operation, because of lower thermomechanical noise and increased thermal spin polarization. Here we demonstrate MRFM operation at temperatures as low as 30 mK, thanks to a recently developed superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID)-based cantilever detection technique, which avoids cantilever overheating. In our experiment, we detect dangling bond paramagnetic centres on a silicon surface down to millikelvin temperatures. Fluctuations of such defects are supposedly linked to 1/f magnetic noise and decoherence in SQUIDs, as well as in several superconducting and single spin qubits. We find evidence that spin diffusion has a key role in the low-temperature spin dynamics. Magnetic resonance force microscopy is a scanning probe technique capable of detecting and imaging electron spins. Vinanteet al.bring the operating temperature of this method into the millikelvin temperature regime, revealing spin diffusion phenomena that were hitherto inaccessible.
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NMR spectroscopy,Spintronics,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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