Prolapsed Double-Canted Bipolar Left Ventricular Lead For Pacing The Left Atrium Via The Coronary Sinus: Experience In 11 Patients


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High thresholds and frequent lead dislodgement limit pacing the left atrium (LA) from the mid to distal coronary sinus (CS). The aim of this report is to describe a method for and the results of prolapsing a double-canted bipolar lead into the mid-to-distal CS to eliminate lead dislodgement and improve pacing thresholds.After CS access the 9 Fr. anatomic sheath is withdrawn to the right atrium (RA) over an extra support wire. A double-canted bipolar lead is advanced into the RA until the proximal bend is outside the tip of the sheath. With the stylet withdrawn to the proximal bend, the sheath and lead are advanced over the wire back into the CS. The lead distal to the proximal bend is prolapsed beside the sheath as the tip of the sheath enters the CS. The lead was successfully prolapsed in 11 consecutive patients. In one patient, capture was 5 V in all locations. Of the 10 successful implants, the acute thresholds were: mean 1.53 V, median 1.35 V, range 0.44.0 V. Chronic thresholds were: mean 2 V, median 2 V range 0.44.0 V. There were no displaced leads or lead fractures through 610 months of follow-up.Prolapse of a commercially available double-canted bipolar passive fixation lead eliminates lead dislodgment and improves thresholds providing a means for permanent pacing of the LA from the mid to distal CS and provides the design principles for a dedicated lead.
Coronary sinus pacing, Biatrial pacing, Atrial fibrillation, Left atrial pacing, Cardiac resynchronization therapy
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