Digital radiography of the chest by self-scanning linear diode arrays.

B S Slasky,D Sashin,J A Horton, E J Sternglass,K M Bron,M Deutsch, J M Herron, W H Kennedy, J W Boyer,B R Girdany

Acta radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden : 1987)(2010)

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Diode array digital radiography DADR is a method of radiographic imaging that combines the advantages of computer technology with self-scanning linear diode arrays. These digital images are superior to those obtained by film in recording and displaying information in the lightest and the darkest areas of the film, resulting in a balanced image of the entire thorax without compromising detail, and at reduced radiation dose. This is a direct result of the wide dynamic range, high contrast sensitivity, fiber optic coupling, small diode size, short exposure time, and rejection of scattered x-rays of the system coupled with digital post-processing enhancement of the image displayed at 1024 X 1024 pixels.
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