Enteric infections in veal calves: a longitudinal study on four veal calf units.


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Forty-five calves on four veal calf units were monitored during the first four weeks after their arrival. Faecal samples were collected on alternate days and screened for the presence of rotaviruses, bovine coronavirus, Cryptosporidium oocysts, K99 positive strains of E. coli and Salmonella spp. Rotaviruses and Cryptosporidium were the most commonly detected agents (78% and 60% respectively of the calves). Bovine coronavirus was detected in the faeces of 18% of the calves, whilst K99 positive E. coli was only found in 2 samples from one calf. Salmonella spp. were not isolated from any of the 646 faecal samples examined. Shedding of rotaviruses occurred in a bimodal pattern beginning in the first week of the survey. Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected most frequently in the interval between the two peaks of rotavirus shedding. The presence of rotaviruses or Cryptosporidium oocysts in faeces was not strongly associated with scour, nor were combined infections with these agents or the cases of bovine coronavirus infection. The condition of the calves throughout the survey was generally satisfactory.
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Arbovirus Vectors
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