An Interactive E-Learning Tutorial For Medical Students On How To Conduct The Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment


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We evaluated the effectiveness of an e-learning tutorial (iPOMA) as a supplement to traditional teaching of the Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment. Second-year medical students (137) completed the iPOMA, in preparation for a session on fall risk assessment consisting of a lecture, practice with elder volunteers and small group debriefing. Before and after the tutorial, students completed online questionnaires, a quiz on POMA scoring immediately after the tutorial and competency assessments on POMA performance 1 month later. Self-efficacy in using the POMA increased and post-tutorial quiz scores were significantly correlated with self-efficacy. Students who completed the tutorial performed significantly better on the verbal instructions portion of the POMA. The iPOMA is an effective instructional modality. (C) 2007 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
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POMA, gait, falls, geriatric assessment
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