Globally Enumerating Unstable Periodic Orbits For Observed Data Using Symbolic Dynamics


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The unstable periodic orbits of a chaotic system provide an important skeleton of the dynamics in a chaotic system, but they can be difficult to find from an observed time series. We present a global method for finding periodic orbits based on their symbolic dynamics, which is made possible by several recent methods to find good partitions for symbolic dynamics from observed time series. The symbolic dynamics are approximated by a Markov chain estimated from the sequence using information-theoretical concepts. The chain has a probabilistic graph representation, and the cycles of the graph may be exhaustively enumerated with a classical deterministic algorithm, providing a global, comprehensive list of symbolic names for its periodic orbits. Once the symbolic codes of the periodic orbits are found, the partition is used to localize the orbits back in the original state space. Using the periodic orbits found, we can estimate several quantities of the attractor such as the Lyapunov exponent and topological entropy.
symbolic dynamics,markov process,markov chain,random process,topological entropy,brownian motion,time series analysis,time series,lyapunov exponent,state space,graph representation,probability theory
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