The genetic and metabolic determinants of cardiovascular complications in type 2 diabetes: recent insights from animal models and clinical investigations.

Canadian journal of diabetes(2013)

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Cardiovascular complications (CVC) are the most common causes of death in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). However the pathophysiological determinants and molecular mechanisms involved in the progression of CVC in T2D are poorly understood. We have undertaken the challenging task of identifying some of the genetic and clinical determinants of CVC through a unique multidisciplinary approach involving Canadian and Finnish investigators. We are studying novel animal models combining atherosclerosis, diet-induced obesity and T2D to understand the molecular basis of CVC in obesity-linked T2D. We are also conducting clinical studies to identify key determinants of CVC in T2D patients and to determine whether a lifestyle modification program targeting loss of visceral adipose tissue/ectopic fat could be associated with clinical benefits in these patients. Together, we strongly believe that we can fill some gaps in our understanding of the CVC pathogenesis in T2D and identify novel therapeutic targets and hope that this new knowledge may be translated into the design of effective clinical interventions to optimally reduce cardiovascular risk in T2D subjects.
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